Engineering and Data Management
PT. Duta Basis Dataprima provide services work as follows:
Topographic Survey
GPS Positioning
Kadastral Survey
Geographical Information System (GIS)
Agriculture Survey
Hydrographic Survey
3D Laser Scanner for Reverse Engineering and High Definition Survey
UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) for supporting and development of oil & gas working area and mapping
Oil & Gas Data Management for relinquishment and termination of oil & gas block area
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is one type of unmanned aerial robot explorer often called Pesawat Udara Nir Awak (PUNA). Because it does not have the crew (pilot), UAV to be controlled using the remote control or commonly called Remotely piloted vehicle (RPV). In addition, UAV can also be flying automatically by a program that has been installed in their computer system.
UAV can be applied to remote sensing, especially for mapping by photogrammetry method. The results are :
Digital Map
Aerial Photo Map Geotiff and ECW format
DSM (Digital Surface Model) and DTM (Digital Terrain Model)
3D Laser Scanning provides the best solution for documenting the condition of the buildings (Buildings, Warehouses, Plants, Platform, Rivenery) and to produce as-built drawing. This technology can be used in the Oil & Gas sector, manufacturing plant and heritage building. The results are : 2D & 3D Modeling, As-built drawings, 3D Modeling Animation
Quickly to data acquisition
Getting an accurate data for BIM (Building Information Modeling)
To support ISO certification, HSE certification and Insurance
Assist in the process of maintenance part.
This service provides a solution for Oil & Gas company on the verification of exploration data for RELINQUISHMENT and TERMINATION process.
Types of services are:
Reading “Input” Tape / Transcription
Writing “Output”
2D and 3D Seismic Data Verification
Cutting Seismic Data 2D & 3D